NCA Insider: Feuds!

NCA Insider here with a new segment called “One Shot”. You may ask what’s a One Shot? Well it’s a one-off spotlight of anything NCA. Our first One Shot focuses on some of the legendary feuds of The NCA!

Wildstar and Clix Savior

We had many feuds to choose from on Wildstar’s behalf, but we chose the most intriguing. Wildstar’s past is well documented, some even say its written in the stars. The former holder of four separate titles, Wildstar has been recently humbled by this “Clix Savior”, and that’s where this feud began. Little was known of Clix Savior upon his mysterious entry into The NCA. The mystery man began posting cryptic threats to the NCA’s top competitors, but seemed to have a specific grudge against Wildstar. Nobody quite knew why until Clix Savior was revealed to be Nativemania, a thought retired, former pupil of Wildstar’s. once “The Savior” had made his move, Wildstar found himself at the barrel of Clix Saviors gun, only to find he’d ended up bested by his former student. Wildstar sought revenge at Final Battle at Fantasium, and he was defeated yet again. Now desperately trying to pick up the pieces, Wildstar seeks to return to his former glory by recapturing his honor and his titles.

Advantage : Clix Savior

Fidel Clixtro and Modus Operandi

This rivalry is a bit less documented than the last, nobody is really quite sure where this one began, but that these two alphas are constantly at each others throats. Modus tried and failed to capture Fidel’s Matching Tights Title at The Final Battle, which has Fidel Clixtro riding high, even going so far as to make a vendetta against Modus’ stable The A-Team.

Advantage : Fidel Clixtro

Outlaw and Coyote Jack

These two Game On! judges have met many times in battle, both coming out victorious at different junctions. Season two didn’t hold such good fortune for The Outlaw as he was fired as the GM of his respective Puyallup Game On! venue. The free fall didn’t stop there for Outlaw, the two judges (current and former) met twice in season two, both times Outlaw was defeated by Coyote Jack. Making matters worse for Outlaw, the first time his signature Gotham City team was defeated, and in the second loss he again fielded his beloved Gotham City, only to be defeated by a Batman Family team. He was “outstealthed” and outgunned, shattering his confidence. As it stands Coyote has been one of only two competitors to defeat Outlaw in season 2, the other being VGA Disciple who has since retired.

Advantage : Coyote Jack

Architect of Destruction and X-Clan

These two first met as rookies, both learning the ropes as allies and even friends. Both men began to rise in both skill and fame, eventually splitting ways as allies but remaining friends. Each having seen victory at the expense of the other. The series has been even to the day, but almost saw one of the two pull ahead when X-Clan received a title shot against “AOD” for the coveted Masters of Minions Title. Controversy swirled as “AOD” was missing in action, calling on his tag partner Outlaw to step in the ring on his behalf. Outlaw narrowly escaped X-Clan to retain AOD’s title. Having come so close to his title, X-Clan carries the momentum in this feud.

Advantage : X-Clan

Skullcap and Wildstar

Yes another rising star out to get Wildstar, Skullcap is still a rookie in The NCA, but already has a taste for Wildstar blood, I guess she’s catching on eh? The first time this rookie met the vet, she took him down to his last click literally! But Wildstar came out on th better end of that bloodbath. Skullcap came away unsatisfied, calling out Wildstar at a later event, unfortunately for her she got her wish but was decisively beaten by Wildstar. Skullcap is green, and Wildstar may just have too much experience for her to overtake him in this feud.

Advantage : Wildstar

Fidel Clixtro and The A-Team

Fidel has vowed to single-handedly destroy this “A-Team”. Having already defeated two of its members, Maelstrom and Modus Operandi, even shaming Maelstrom by beating him with his own Fantastic Four in an avatar wager match. Maelstrom now wears the badge of shame in the form of a Fidel Clixtro avatar, which he must bare for 6 months, ouch! But Fidel isn’t satisfied yet, he has made a call out to the remaining members of The A-Team, thus far the call has fallen on deaf ears.

Advantage : Fidel Clixtro

Bad Company and The Four Horsemen (deceased)

These two “mega stables” first crossed paths in the very first Big Mountain Tag Title Championship Bout. Bad Company members Architect of Destruction and Outlaw entered the fray against VGA Disciple and his newly revealed secret Fourth Horsemen Wildstar. The former defeated the latter in a win swarming with controversy surrounding a ruling on the now infamous Muspelheim map, which AOD and Outlaw as fate would have it later lost their titles on. After this heated game the two stables met many times in tag and singles competition, AOD and VGA went to war with one another, a rivalry that some say ended VGA’s career has he hasn’t been seen since his last defeat of AOD. The Four Horsemen then disbanded, with VGA’s retirement and Stryphe and Grimm leaving Wildstar to fend for himself, Wildstar has since been defeated by The Outlaw in every meeting in season two.

Bad Company has gone on to regain The Big Mountain Tag Title, and even earned The Big Mountain Singles Title via Thing #2 defeating Wildstar.

Advantage : Bad Company

The NCA in its short time has seen the fiercest of rivalries, some still burn strong, others have burned out with one warrior emerging victorious. We hope you’ve enjoyed this inside look at the feuds of The NCA. Check back soon for more articles, interviews and spotlights!

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