NCA Insider Presents: Season 2 Player Awards (Polls)

Cast your votes for the following NCA Insider Season 2 Player Awards.

  • Big Mountain Territory Player of the Season
  • Emerald Territory Player of the Season
  • Feud of the Season

Note: All players/feuds in the poll were nominated by the NCA Insider staff based only on Season 2 activity (post Clixmania through the 1 Year Anniversary event). All supporting criteria for nominated parties reflect this time as well.

 Big Mountain Territory Player of the Season

Outlaw (Big Mountain)


  • Ranking/Record: #1 28-5 (85%)
  • Star Power/Ranking: #3
  • Titles Held: 0

Major Accomplishments:

  • A founding member of Bad Company, the most winning stable of S2.
  • #1 ranked in Big Mountain.

Thing #2 (Big Mountain)


  • Ranking/Record: #5 20-7 (74%)
  • Star Power/Ranking: #2
  • Titles Held: 3 (Big Mountain Championship, Emerald Tag Championship, Featherweight Championship)

Major Accomplishments:

  • Won Emerald Tag Championship with Thing #1 at ClixMania and retained for all of S2.
  • Retained the Featherweight Championship for entire season.

Wildstar (Big Mountain)


  • Ranking/Record: #11 29-21 (58%)
  • Star Power/Ranking: #1
  • Titles Held: 4 (Big mountain Championship, Big Mountain Tag Championship, Master of Minions Championship, Paper Championship)

Major Accomplishments:

  • Season record holder for most title defenses.
  • Retained the Paper Championship for entire season.
  • Most title reigns in the Big Mountain territory.
  • Played in every NCA venue in S2.

Emerald Territory Player of the Season

Balls Out (Emerald)


  • Ranking/Record: #2 10-3 (77%)
  • Star Power/Ranking: #3
  • Titles Held: 1 (Emerald Championship)

Major Accomplishments:

  • Entered S2 as the Emerald Champion after winning the title at ClixMania. Retained the championship through nearly the entire season losing it in the final match of a first ever Championship Gauntlet at the 1YA event.
  • Won 1 NML event in S2.

Brimstone (Emerald)


  • Ranking/Record: #1 19-1 (95%)
  • Star Power/Ranking: #2
  • Titles Held: 4 (Emerald Championship, Dynamic Duo Championship, Heavyweight & Divas Championship, Trinity Championship)

Major Accomplishments:

  • Most title reigns in the Emerald territory.
  • Won ECCC 2013 Constructed Event
  • Won 3 NML events in S2.

Coyote (Emerald)


  • Ranking/Record: #8 21-11 (66%)
  • Star Power/Ranking: #1
  • Titles Held: 0

Major Accomplishments:

  • Won 3 NML events in S2.
  • Built a reputation for taking on any and all challenges.
  • Played in every NCA venue in S2.

Feud of the Season

A-Team vs. Fidel Clixtro

The A-Team, formed by the merging of the Grim Soldiers and the New Soldiers of Fortune, found themselves opposed by Fidel Clixtro. Although the A-Team were extremely vocal in their rebuttals, they couldn’t back it up, as Fidel Clixtro single-handedly ran through each and every one of them including defeating both Modus Operandi and X-Clan in Matching Tights title defenses, and defeating Maelstrom in a high-profile match and defiling his message board avatar among other victories. The latter example still weighs heavily on the A-Team today as the “winner gets to choose the loser’s avatar” stips between Fidel & Maelstrom had a six month duration.  Never before or since has one man waged a solo war against an entire stable in the NCA!

Clix Savior vs. Wildstar

Wildstar was haunted throughout Season 2 by a mysterious man known only as Clix Savior. A competitor who made himself known via ominous video messages on the message board. He constantly taunted Wildstar, and promised to take back “that which was his”. The mystery competitor vowed to make himself known at Survivor Series,  an event held at the very venue Wildstar is the GM of, Fantasium. Soon enough, Clix Savior revealed himself to be Nativemania, an NCA original.

Under his new gimmick , Clix Savior  wanted “his” Paper Championship back, the title he previously held as Nativemania and a title that Wildstar has held since. Later he formed an odd “fondness” for Wildstar going so far as to claiming they were “the REAL NCA tag champs”.

During the peak of this feud things between the two became so heated it led to the first ever bounty being placed on an NCA competitor. Wildstar said he’d personally give anyone who eliminated Clix Savior in January’s Royal Rumble a super rare prize. Clix Savior responded with putting a cash bounty on Wildstar’s head for the very same event!

Season two saw these two battle numerous times in different match formats. It is a feud that is still not resolved.

Bad Company vs. The Four Horsemen

One of the biggest feuds in NCA history went down between two of the most successful stables in NCA history. It started leading into ClixMania but really escalated in season 2. The Four Horsemen (Grimm, Stryphe, Wildstar and {VGA}d1$©1pL3 locked horns many times with Bad Company (AOD, Hannibal King, Outlaw and Thing #2), changing titles and bragging rights left and right. In the end, the Four Horsemen ended up disbanding  and the controversial {VGA}d1$©1pL3 walked out of the NCA, both of which Bad Company took credit for.

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