
The NCA is full of colorful characters (clix players). It is a place where you can have fun being you with the volume turned up!

When you’re ready to join simply send us the following details for your “character” to

Your character needs the following things:

  1. name
  2. hometown or place of origin
  3. accomplishments/factoids/catch phrase
  4. photo (optional)

Here are some tips to creating a “gimmick” to use as part of the league . . .

What’s in a name?

A lot. Give some thought to it because the name you pick adds personality to your character and can help tell your “story.” Some players use part or all of their real name (ex: Terry “the Tyrant” Murphy or Terry the Terminator). Some players use a completely different name having nothing to do with their actual name. Perhaps you want a name that reflects your interests or hobbies. It is what you want.

Hometown/Place of origin

The hometown you chose can be past or present, real (Miami, FL or Paris, France)  or fictional (hailing from anywhere he damn well pleases, The Astral Plane, the dark side of the moon). Just include it when you join the NCA lest you be from the proverbial “parts unknown!”

Accomplishments/factoids/catch phrases

When joining the NCA, you may include up to four accomplishments or factoids about yourself. These can be HeroClix related (Winner of X event) but do not need to be. Factoids can be real or fictitious. If you have a saying or catch phrase to associate with your character include it.

Including these are important because it helps in creating your signing announcement (introduction) to the league. Additionally they help create context for the “storylines” of the NCA.

Your accomplishments/factoids/catch phrases can change as you progress in the NCA. (Ex: titles held, special recognition, affiliations etc.)

Photo (optional)

You can email in a photo of yourself or of something representative of you or your character. If sent this may be used as part of your roster intro.

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